The Lab

The location where science, technology, and knowledge of human performance merge to create superior health and wellness for everyBODY.

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy is a specialized type of healthcare that aims to help individuals improve their movement and manage pain. Through physical exercises, hands-on therapy, and education, The Performance Lab clinicians are able to assess an individual’s condition and develop an individualized treatment plan to help restore movement and relieve pain.

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Dry Needling

Dry needling is an alternative therapy used to treat myofascial pain and trigger points. This therapy involves inserting thin, solid needles into specific areas of the body to help reduce pain, tension, and inflammation. Dry needling is believed to work by releasing tight muscles and fascia, restoring normal movement patterns and improving circulation in affected areas.

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Movement Assessment

Movement assessment is a process that evaluates an individual's physical abilities and performance in relation to their specific sport or activity. It involves assessing the individual's general physical health, range of motion, strength, coordination, balance, and motor control.

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Accelerated Post-Op Recovery

Accelerated post-op recovery is the process of speeding up your recovery time after a surgical procedure. By taking proactive steps before, during and after surgery to reduce pain and discomfort, you can experience a faster and more successful return to normal activities.

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Frequently Asked Questions About The Lab

  • What are the benefits of physical therapy?

    Physical therapy can offer many benefits, including improved mobility and movement, increased strength and flexibility, decreased pain, and improved overall health. It can also help to reduce risk of injury or reinjury and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Additionally, physical therapy may be able to reduce the need for surgery or medication.

  • What happens during a physical therapy session?

    During a physical therapy session, the therapist will begin by assessing your current condition and discussing your goals. Then they will create an individualized treatment plan based on your specific needs. This may include exercises to help improve strength, flexibility, and mobility, as well as other activities like stretching and massage. 

  • How often do I need to attend physical therapy sessions?

    The frequency of your physical therapy sessions will depend on your specific condition, goals, and progress. Generally, physical therapy sessions are scheduled one to two times per week for four to six weeks. However, this can vary depending on the individual. Your clinician will be able to give you a more accurate estimate of how often you need to come in for treatment.

  • What are the benefits of a movement assessment?

    The benefits of movement assessment are numerous. It helps to identify any movement dysfunctions or limitations that may be hindering performance, helps to improve overall health and wellness, assists in the prevention of injury, and can be used to create a targeted exercise program tailored to the individual. It can also help athletes understand their body better, leading to improved performance and recovery.

  • Does dry needling hurt?

    The sensation from dry needling is usually a brief, sharp pain that quickly dissipates. Some people may experience soreness or tenderness after treatment, which should subside within 24 to 48 hours. If the area remains painful for more than 48 hours, it’s best to consult with your clinician for further assessment. 

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